r e s e a r c h

Academic publications

Chierico, Alessio. “ARTificial Intelligence from Generative Art to Post-Media Practice.” In 18.Art Da Admiràvel Ordem Das Coisas: Da Arte, Emoção e Tecnologia Conference, 757–68. Lisbon: Media Lab BR, 2019. ISSN 2238-0272

Chierico, Alessio. Keeping an Eye Open. An Introduction to the Cultural Economy of Media Art. In Investigations on the Cultural Economy of Media Art, Chierico, Alessio (ed.), pp. 11–20. Milan: Digicult Edition, 2017. ISBN 978-1-291-38203-7

Chierico, Alessio, (ed.) Investigations on the Cultural Economy of Media Art. Milan: Digicult Edition, 2017. ISBN 978-1-291-38203-7

Chierico, Alessio. Die Repräsentation des Selbst im digitalen Leben: Eine digitale Ontologie für eine digitale Identität. In Friesinger, Günther (eds.). Paraflows XI. Vienna: Edition Mono, 2017, pp.159-75. ISBN 978-3–902796-53–0

Chierico, Alessio, and Christa Sommerer. Media Art and the Art Market. In Ars Electronica 2017. AI Artificial Intelligence. Das Andere Ich, edited by Gerfried Stocker, Christine Schöpf, and Hannes Leopoldseder, 134–35. Ostfildern: Hatje/Cantz, 2017 – ISBN 978-3-7757-4335-8. https://archive.aec.at/print/showmode/250/

Chierico, Alessio. The Representation of Self in Digital Life: Digital Ontology for Digital Identity. Digimag Journal 75 (June 2017): 6–13. – ISSN 2037-2256. http://www.digicult.it/digimag-journal/

Chierico, Alessio. Art and Materiality in Post-Media Practice: Toward an Ontology of Digital and its Devices. In proceedings of Computer Art Congress 5, Europia, Paris, 2016. pp. 15-33. ISBN 979-10-90094-23-9

Chierico, Alessio. Medium Specificity in Post-Media Practice. V!RUS, [E-Journal], no. 12 (July 2016). http://www.nomads.usp.br/virus/_virus12/?sec=4&item=6&lang=en. – ISSN 2175-974x

Chierico, Alessio. Trāṭaka: a case of study on seamless interaction with BCI. In Acott, Roy (eds.). Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research, Volume 13 Number 3, 2015. pp. 253-259. – ISSN 1477-965X

Chierico, Alessio. Trāṭaka. In proceedings of INTER-FACE: International Conference on Live Interfaces (ICLI 2014). Sa, Adriana; Carvalhais, Miguel;McLean, Alex (Eds.). Porto University, CECL & CESEM (NOVA University), MITPL (University of Sussex), 2015. ISBN 978-989-746-060-9

Chierico, Alessio. Interpretation, representation, material properties: three arguments about aesthetic qualities of computational media. In Clifford, Alison; Carvalhais, Miguel; Verdicchio, Mario (Eds.). xCoAx 2015: Proceedings of the Third Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics and X. Universidade do Porto, 2015. ISBN: 978-989-746-066-1

Chierico, Alessio. Unpainted Undrawn. Journal of Comparative Media Art. Issue 1, July 2015. Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, 2015 – http://cmajournal.ca/alessio-chierico/

Chierico, Alessio. Trāṭaka. In Wakkary, Ron; Stolterman, Erik. Demo Hour. Interactions, Volume 22 Issue 3, May – June 2015, pag. 8-11, ACM, New York, 2015. – ISSN: 1072-5520

Chierico, Alessio. The iconoclasm of technological realism: the research behind “Unpainted Undrawn” and “Arnulf Rainer for digital performers”. In Estremo, Vincenzo; Bevilacqua, Davide; Bunn, Sam. Unmade Displays. Kunstuniversität Linz, 2015. ISBN: 978-3-901112-73-7

Chierico, Alessio. Techno indeterminism, the common line  between structural film and new media art. Digimag journal. Issue 74 / Winter 2013. ISBN: 978-1-291-38203-7 – more

Publications in magaznies

In 2010 curated the project “Interviewing new media art didactics”, published by FakePress in artsblog.ittoshare.itfrontieredigitali.itnoemalab.org.
Since 2007, published essays and interviews in Digicult, D’Ars, Droste Effect, Noemalab, Post-Interface, MyMedia and Die Referentin.

Follow me on Academia.edu


Adjunct professor, course M-FIL/04 “Trends in Digital Art” (4 ECTS, 40 hours frontal lessons) at the master program “Digital and Interaction Design” of the Politecnico di Milano (IT). Winter semester 2024/2025.

Additional teaching position for the course ABST45 “Estetica dei Nuovi Media” (Aesthetics of New Media, 6 ECTS, 45 hours frontal lessons) at the bachelor program “Linguaggi Audiovisivi”  (Audiovisual Languages) of the Accademia di Belle Arti di Frosinone (IT). Winter and Summer semester 2022/2023, Winter and summer semester 2024/2025.

Additional teaching position for the course ABST45 “Culture Digitali” (Digital Culture, 6 ECTS, 45 hours frontal lessons) at the bachelor program “Media Art” of the Accademia di Belle Arti di Frosinone (IT). Summer semester 2023/2024, Winter and summer semester 2024/2025.

Professor with tenure, course ABTEC40 “Progettazione Multimediale 1” (Multimedia Design, 12 ECTS, 150 hours frontal lessons) at the master program “Media Art” of the Accademia di Belle Arti di Frosinone (IT). Winter and Summer semester 2024/2025.

Adjunct professor, course ABTEC42 “Computer Games” (6 ECTS, 75 hours frontal lessons) at the bachelor program “Character Design and Gaming” of the Accademia di Belle Arti di Perugia (IT). Summer semester 2024/2025.

Additional teaching position for the course ABTEC40 “Linguaggi Multimediali” (Multimedia Languages, 6 ECTS, 45 hours frontal lessons) at the bachelor program “Media Art” of the Accademia di Belle Arti di Frosinone (IT). Winter semester 2023/2024.

Professor with tenure, course ABTEC40 “Progettazione Multimediale 5” (Multimedia Design, 12 ECTS, 150 hours frontal lessons) at the master program “Media Art” of the Accademia di Belle Arti di Frosinone (IT). Winter and Summer semester 2022/2023 and 2023/2024.

Professor with tenure, course ABTEC40 “Progettazione Multimediale 4” (Multimedia Design, 12 ECTS, 150 hours frontal lessons) at the master program “Media Art” of the Accademia di Belle Arti di Frosinone (IT). Winter and Summer semester 2022/2023 and 2023/2024.

Professor with tenure, course ABTEC40 “Progettazione Multimediale 3” (Multimedia Design, 12 ECTS, 150 hours frontal lessons) at the bachelor program “Media Art” of the Accademia di Belle Arti di Frosinone (IT). Winter and Summer semester 2022/2023.

Adjunct professor, course COME03 “Teorie e tecniche della comunicazione visiva e multimediale” (Theories and Techniques of Visual and Multimedia Communication, 4 ECTS, 24 hours frontal lessons) at the master program “Musica Elettronica” (Electronic Music) of the Conservatorio di Musica di Perugia (IT). Summer semester 2021/2022.

Pre-tenure professor, course ABTEC40 “Progettazione Multimediale” (Multimedia Design, 10 ECTS, 125 hours frontal lessons) at the master program “Scenografia” (Scenography) of the Accademia di Belle Arti di Reggio Calabria (IT). Summer semester 2021/2022.

Additional teaching position for the course ABPR15 “Metodologia della Progettazione” (Design Methodology, 6 ECTS, 75 hours frontal lessons) at the bachelor program “Progettazione della moda” (Fashion Design) of the Accademia di Belle Arti di Reggio Calabria (IT). Summer semester 2021/2022.

Additional teaching position for the course ABTEC39 “Informatica” (Computer Science, 4 ECTS, 50 hours frontal lessons) at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Reggio Calabria (IT). Summer semester 2021/2022.

Adjunct professor, course ABTEC42 “Computer Games” (6 ECTS, 60 hours frontal lessons) at the bachelor program “Nuove tecnologie dell’arte” (New Technologies of Art) of the Accademia di Belle Arti di Urbino (IT). Winter semester 2021/2022.

Adjunct professor, course ABTEC40 “Progettazione Multimediale” (Multimedia Design, 8 ECTS, 100 hours frontal lessons) at the bachelor program “Teoria e tecnica della comunicazione visiva multimediale” (Theory and Technique of Multimedia Visual Communication) of the Accademia di Belle Arti di Macerata (IT). Winter semester 2018/2019 and 2019/2020, summer semester 2020/2021.

Adjunct professor, course ABTEC43 “Tecniche dei nuovi media integrati “(Techniques of the Integrated New Media, 6 ECTS, 75 hours frontal lessons) at the bachelor program “Media Design & Arti Multimediali” (Media Design & Multimedia Arts) of the Accademia Costume & Moda, Rome (IT). Winter and summer semesters 2018/2019.

Adjunct professor, course 380.018 “Post-Media Practice” (2 ECTS, 30 hours frontal lessons) at Interface Culture master program of the University of Art and Design of Linz (AT). Winter semester (October-January) 2017/2018.

Conferences and talks

Invited lecture “Brain-Computer Interface e produzione artistica” for the course “Storia dell’Arte Contemporanea” of the Architecture and Design department at Università di Camerino (IT). 4th June 2021.

Invited speech and informal online meeting “Generative Artistic Practice and the Referent of Computational Photography” at Venice Digital Public Humanities department of Ca’ Foscari University. Venice (IT), 7th April 2021.

Full paper presentation “ARTificial Intelligence from Generative Art to Post-Media practice” at the conference  #18.ART, the admirable order of things: art, emotion and technology. FBAUL – Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade de Lisboa. Lisbon (PT), October 2019.

Presentation “The Vacuous Identity in the Digital Realm” at Tacit Engagement in the Digital Age conference. CRASSH (Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities) at University of Cambridge (UK). June 2019.

Profesores Invitados Artes Visuales y Multimedia “Art and materiality in post-media practice: toward an ontology of digital and its devices” at Universitat Politècnica de València (ES). 09/05/2019

Invited speech for Digitale & Arte talks. Digital Meet festival at IED (Instituto Europeo di Design) Venezia (IT), 19/10/2017.

Moderation of the Media Art and the Art Market IIsymposium. Ars Electronica festival at Lecture Stage, Post City, Linz, Austria. September 2017.

Computer Art Congress 5. Full paper presentation (Art and materiality in post-media practice: toward an ontology of digital and its devices). Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris, France, October 2016.

Invited speech about creative use of Brain-Computer Interfaces. Sciences of communications faculty. University of Teramo, Italy, 29/09/2016.

“The Representation of Self in Digital Life: Digital ontology for digital identity”. Paraflows .XI symposium – Identity at Altes Rathaus, Vienna, Austria, 18/09/2016.

Have one’s head in the clouds: the elusive theocracy of distributed data. AMRO – Art Meet Radical Openness festival at AFO Architekturforum Oberösterreich, Linz, Austria, 27/06/2016.

First Date. Artist talk presso Atelierhaus Salzamt, Linz, Austria, February 2016.
BNL Wave at Maker Faire Rome 2015. BNL Media Art festival presentation. La Sapienza University, Rome, Italy, October 2015

The Undivided Mind conference. Presentation. Jill Cragie Cinema, Plymouth University, Plymouth, UK, July 2015

Planetary Collegium Research update. Plymouth University, Plymouth, UK, July 2015

xCoAx 2015 – conference in Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X. Full paper presentation. Centre of Contemporary Art, Glasgow, UK, June 2015

May Day, video contribution. Sala Rappresentanza Comune Di Carrara (Italy). June 2015

Projects presentation in RCIC (Research Center for Industrial Culture) at IAMAS (Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences), Softopia, Ogaki, Japan, May 2015.

Projects presentation,in AHHAA Science Centre, Tartu, Estonia. December 2014.

INTER-FACE – International Conference on Live Interfaces 2014, project presentation. Museu Nacional de Arte Contemporânea do Chiado, and FBA-UL – University of Lisbon. Portugal, November 2014

Planetary Collegium T-Node – What has changed: a candid investigation, assumptions and social framework conditions for cultural impact. H-Studios. Weistrach, Austria. 04/09/2014


2012 – ITA – La distanza della mediazione – la trasparenza dei media e l’opacità degli oggetti

2012 – ITA – Tracce in un percorso, la maturazione dell’ambizione modernista d’oltreoceano

2011 – ITA – La ricerca dello structural film

2011 – ITA – L’etica nel dominio della tecnica strutturale

2010 – ITA – Divagazioni narcisiste l’autocritica del pensiero e dell’arte

2009 – ITA – Il futurismo e l’io dell’orizzonte tecno culturale

2007 – ITA – Nuove estetiche

2007 – ITA –  La chiave per la conoscenza


2015 – ENG/ITARyota Kuwakubo: the reality of shadows

2008-2010 – ITA – Interviewing new media art didactics

2007 – ITA/ENGIsabella Bordoni, Lo Stare Sensibile Del Mondo Al Mondo


2012 – ITA – The big picture – Ars Electronica Festival 2012

2008 – ITA – Eternita’ Presente: Il Sogno Di Comandare Aion

2007 – ITA – Stockhausen: L’inafferabilita’ Dell’attimo