[exhibition] New Technological Art Award (NTAA) 2016

Exhibiting my work Trāṭaka for the biennial New Technological Art Award (NTAA) at Zebrastraat, Ghent (Belgium).


The 19 nominated works were selected by an international jury: Head of the jury Martin Honzik (Head of Department Prix/Festival Ars Electronica) together with Peter Weibel (Director, ZKM Karlsruhe), Jean-Marie Dallet (Artist, research professor at the Université Paris 8), Liedts-Meesen Foundation, Stef Van Bellingen (Consultant for Zebrastraat – Artistic leader of WARP), Paul Dujardin (CEO & Artistic Director BOZAR), Nick Ervinck (Artist, winner of the update_2 public award), Alain Thibault (Artistic Director of Elektra), Edwin Carels (Curator New Media exhibitions), Karen Helmerson (Program Director for Electronic Media, Film & Visual Art at the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA)) and Ralph Dum (Scientific officer and senior expert of the European Commission).


– 1024 architecture – François Wunschel, Jason Cook, Pier Schneider (FR) ‘WALKING Cube’
– Assocreation / Daylight Media Lab (AT/TH) ‘Solar Pink Pong’
– Alessio Chierico (IT) ‘Trāṭaka’
– CREW_Eric Joris (BE) ‘Collateral Rooms’
– Michiel De Cleene (BE) ‘Reference Guide’
– Dries Depoorter (BE) ‘Sheriff Software’
– Verena Friedrich (DE) ‘THE LONG NOW’
– Julien Grossmann (FR) ‘Breakaway Songs’
– Elias Heuninck (BE) ‘Lightkeeping’
– Michael Kugler (US) & Sebastian Wolf (DE) ‘Brume’
– Marc Lee (CH) ‘Pic-me’
– Michael Mandiberg (US) ‘Print Wikipedia’
– Quadrature – Jan Bernstein, Juliane Götz, Sebastian Neitsch (DE) ‘Satelliten’
– Theresa Schubert (DE) ‘Growing Geometries (Tattooing Mushrooms)’
– Karina Smigla-Bobinski (DE) ‘SIMULACRA’
– Maja Smrekar (SI) ‘K-9_topology: ECCE CANIS’
– Stanza (UK) ‘The Reader’
– Bill Vorn & Louis-Philippe Demers (CA) ‘Inferno’
– Lien-Cheng Wang (TW) ‘Regeneration Movement’

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