Trāṭaka is part of “Alchemists of our Time“, the thematic exhibition of Ars Electronica 2016.
[exhibition] “Alchemists of our Time” Ars Electronica

Trāṭaka is part of “Alchemists of our Time“, the thematic exhibition of Ars Electronica 2016.
Unpainted Undrawn is part of Artificial Retirement exhibition at Flux Factory in New York, curated by Jung In Jung and .Joelle Fleurantin. From August 19 to September 11, 2016 “Artificial Retirement specifically addresses the question, What is failure in this technologically aided era? The show presents artworks and performances by artists working with ideas of […]
On line the issue “Radical Moderns” of V!RUS journal with my paper “Medium Specificity in Post-Media Practice“, available in English and Portuguese. Abstract In art theory, the artistic media have been in the center of the discussion between Clement Greenberg and Rosalind Krauss, and functional to the definition of Modern and Post-Modern Art. This […]
“Trāṭaka: a case of study on seamless interaction with BCI“, paper written for the conference “The Undivided Mind” held in Plymouth (UK) in July 2015, has been released and available on paper and digital version. Here you can find the link to “Technoetic Arts Journal” Volume 13, Number 3, December 2015 Abstract: Trāṭaka is […]
Finally online the the proceedings of INTER-FACE (ICLI 2014) conference, with an article about Trāṭaka. Chierico, Alessio. Trāṭaka. In proceedings of INTER-FACE: International Conference on Live Interfaces (ICLI 2014). Sa, Adriana; Carvalhais, Miguel;McLean, Alex (Eds.). Porto University, CECL & CESEM (NOVA University), MITPL (University of Sussex), 2015. ISBN 978-989-746-060-9 The call for next edition is […]
The topic of illusion in art and in media history is not a novelty, however just few artists were able to touch this argument with the sensibility demonstrated by Ryota Kuwakubo. His recent works are developed with the use of shadows, which assumes specific philosophical connotation about the relation between fiction and media.[…] continue: Ryota […]