Technoetic Narcissus

Contributor to the collaborative project “Is There Love in the Technoetic Narcissus?” of Francesco Monico, with the essay “Divagazioni narcisistiche, l’autocritica del pensiero e dell’arte”   about the project: The slow flowering of a Narcissus Poeticus becomes the subject of a New Media Art installation hosted in an unusual exhibition space: a video Tv channel. […]

Same function, same utility

Same function, same utility 88x46x42 cm 2012 “Same Function, Same Utility” is an installation that consists of an ebook reader placed under a chair leg. Exploiting the stereotypical misuse of books for levelling a chair leg, “Same Function, Same Utility” ironizes about the coming of ebook devices, which assume to substitute the function of paper […]

Les demoiselles dynamiques

Les demoiselles dynamiques is an interactive installation that reenacts the image of one of the most symbolic paintings of cubism (Les demoiselles d’Avignon by Picasso), to achieve the multi-prospective approach of a cubist image. This is possible through the simulation of the parallax effect between the represented objects and the user’s point of view. In […]

Just holes?

2011 dimensioni 35x45x7 cm Nel nostro contemporaneo, in cui sempre più spesso la fruizione, comunicazione e produzione di contenuti è indissolubilmente legata alla creazione o alla traduzione digitale, risulta particolarmente importante riflettere sul mezzo e sulla sua referenzialità nel reale. Esiste infatti uno scarto netto tra l’intento rappresentativo ”dell’oggetto digitale” e la sua pura essenza […]

HGP card (Human Genome Programming)

2011 photographic triptych 45×30 cm The complete mapping of the human genome, is the transliteration of  biological information in to the cultural domain. The informational structure of the human genome sees a close parallelism to the digital systems’ essence. The genome and the digital nature have the same peculiarities in their skill to “in-form”, give […]