I’m now inaugurating the news section of my web site. The previous news are postdated and short… I hope I can keep the section updated and complete. I hope you enjoy it !
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presentation for Roma Media Art Festival 2016 during Maker Faire Rome 2015

presentation for Roma Media Art Festival 2016 during Maker Faire Rome 2015
interviewed and featured on Manuela Mesrie thesis

interviewed and featured on Manuela Mesrie thesis “Art After Art: The Possibility of a Contemporary Conceptual Art Through The Theories of Joseph Kosuth” defended at Sotheby’s Institute of Art of London
Interviewed for Ipotenusa exhibition

Interviewed for Ipotenusa exhibition. Here the interview, just in Italian
Participation for The Undivided Mind conference, Plymouth, UK, July 2015

The Undivided Mind conference. Presentation. Jill Cragie Cinema, Plymouth University, Plymouth, UK, July 2015. Presented the topic: “Trāṭaka: a case of study on seamless interaction with BCI” Conference info: The Sciences and the Arts have often created intellectual divisions in the way we represent sensing, thinking and action in order to understand the world and […]
Exhibition “Ipotenusa, una mostra irrealizzabile” at Centro l’Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato (IT)

Participating to the exhibition “Ipotenusa, una mostra irrealizzabile” at Centro l’Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato (Italy) with the work Arnulf Rainer for digital performers, concert version